romantic tragedy

My children love to watch romantic comedies and although they can be fun and tidy the way they end so happily, tucking you into bed with a smile on your face, most of them are close to awful. We recently watched When Harry Met Sally (me -for easily the 10th time-but not in many years) and I forgot how well written it was. Inevitably the ending makes me cry. You remember it-Billy Crystal’s character, after years of fooling himself that he does not want to commit and that he is not in love with Meg Ryan’s character, suddenly decides he cannot live without her. It is just before midnight on New Year’s eve and he, after knowing her for 12 long years, runs for several city blocks to tell her he loves her. “When you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone,” he says breathlessly ” you want the rest of your life to start right away”. Continue reading